Top 10 Office Cleaning Tips in 2021

10 office cleaning tips

Top 10 Office Cleaning Tips in 2021

No matter what kind of business you’re in, a sparkling clean and sanitized office have never been more important than it is today. Maintaining a clean office not only shows care and professionalism to your employees and clients, but also helps protect them from the spread of viruses and infection.

Here are ten Office Cleaning tips you can use to help keep your staff and clients healthy in 2021.

10 office cleaning tips

Pay extra attention to high-touch surfaces

Offices have a lot of high-touch surfaces, including countertops, door handles, tables, drawer handles, keyboards, light switches and so on.

You and your employees should be wiping down these surfaces several times a day and making sure these areas are thoroughly disinfected at least once a day to help reduce the spread of viruses or bacteria in your office.

Don’t forget the floors

Disinfecting your office floors and vacuuming your carpets should be part of your regular daily or weekly office cleaning routine.

In addition to regular cleaning and vacuuming, your office floors will need to be deep cleaned (including professional carpet cleaning). Floors in high-traffic areas, such as bathrooms, kitchens or hallways, should be deep cleaned as often as every month or two. For areas with lower traffic, deep cleaning about twice a year should be enough.

Keep a clean kitchen

Your office kitchen or lunch room is a communal area, so it needs extra attention.

Basic daily kitchen duties should include cleaning the countertops and lunch tables after each use. Don’t overlook the microwave, fridge or drawer handles, either. Give them a thorough wipe with disinfectant a few times a day as well.

Each week clean inside the refrigerator and microwave. Don’t forget to check the fridge for those forgotten leftovers and dispose of them as well!

Make that bathroom sparkle

No one likes cleaning a bathroom, but it’s one of the most important areas of your office to keep clean, sanitized and disinfected at all times.

Base your bathroom cleaning schedule on the amount of traffic the bathrooms in your office get. If it’s high-traffic, it will likely need daily cleaning. If it’s low traffic, once or twice a week may be sufficient.

Regular bathroom cleaning tasks should include things like disinfecting all flat surfaces, sinks and toilets, emptying wastebaskets, mopping floors, cleaning mirrors, disinfecting stall and door handles, and stocking paper and toilet paper.

Empty the trash on time

An overflowing garbage can is a great place for bacteria to build. Be sure to empty your bins regularly.

Involve your employees

Encourage your employees to clean their workspaces regularly or consider making it a policy within your office.

Some great daily or weekly workspace cleaning tasks you can suggest to your employees include cleaning their keyboards and monitors, tidying and wiping down their desks, putting away office supplies and paper files at the end of the day, watering the plants in their workspaces, and emptying their trash and recycling bins.

Use the right cleaning products

Sanitizing and disinfecting each play an important role in keeping your office clean and safe—and each requires the right product.

Sanitizing kills bacteria, but not viruses. Sanitizing products are safe for and should be applied to food contact surfaces (as required by health codes). To meet public health standards, a sanitizer will reduce bacteria on a surface by 99.9 percent.

Disinfectants are the most powerful kinds of cleaning products. Using a disinfectant is especially important for the high-touch areas of your office, like door handles, customer service counters, desks, keypads, handrails and so on.

Keep cleaning supplies on-hand and readily available

Make it easy for everyone in your office to keep things clean by keeping cleaning products and supplies well-stocked and organized.

Make sure your cleaning supplies are stored in an area that’s easy for you and your employees to access on a regular basis (so not in an out-of-the-way storage room), and make sure your employees know where your cleaning supply area is.

Also consider assigning someone the responsibility of ordering cleaning supplies and making sure your office has enough in stock at all times.

Deep clean and disinfect the whole office

Regular cleaning throughout the day or week is definitely important, but it’s not enough to kill harmful bacteria or viruses. General cleaning only removes surface-level debris, so your office needs to be deep cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis as well.

Deep cleaning includes tasks like cleaning windows, steam-cleaning carpets, thoroughly disinfecting all hard surfaces, dusting and cleaning hard-to-reach areas like the tops of shelves or cabinets, cleaning and disinfecting inside cabinets, sanitizing the inside of the refrigerator and microwave, etc.

Hire professionals

With so much cleaning to do to keep your office properly cleaned and sanitized, hiring professional cleaners may be your best option.

Not only does a professional Edmonton Cleaning Company complete a thorough checklist of cleaning services for your business, but they also implement proper cleaning methods. For most offices, hiring professional cleaners is more than worth the investment.

If you’re looking for an office, commercial or construction cleaning company in Edmonton that delivers first-rate service at an affordable price, look no further than Alliance Building Maintenance.

Contact us today and find out why we’ve continued to impress our customers with our quality service and excellent results for all these years.
